Game Preview round-up. The love is real.

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Uncategorized

Two weeks ago, members of the press got to play the first two hours of Still Wakes the Deep. The reviews are in, and well, we couldn’t be more pleased…


Every so often, there’s a horror game that manages to get the balance of beautiful, intriguing, and horrifying just right – Still Wakes the Deep is exactly that.” – PC Gamer


The Chinese Room appears to be firing on all cylinders here – they’re on the cusp delivering another masterpiece of gaming horror.” – Xbox News


Still Wakes The Deep was never going to be a journey of sunshine and rainbows, but I’m fascinated by how well Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 developer studio The Chinese Room executes its claustrophobic hide-and-seek gameplay in such a unique setting.” – GamesRadar


Still Wakes The Deep could well end up being one of those memorable games that makes you ask, ‘Why hasn’t anybody done this before?” – Play Magazine

That cross-disciplinary line is the moment it all clicks for me, actually. There are scares here, clever set-pieces, <…>, but it’s the cross-disciplinary Design, the way Art and Sound and Level creation come into play that make it so special.” – Eurogamer


And a brilliant Preview video on PlayStation Access:

One week to go, we cannot wait to hear what you all think. 💙🌊

11th June 2024 | Uncategorized